• No Mind Left Behind: How to Spread Mental Health Awareness and Support Each Other
    Hello lovely ladies, As we near the end of Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible theme this year: “No Mind Left Behind.” It’s such a powerful message, resonating with our journey through menopause. Menopause can be a challenging time, and it’s vital that we open up… Read more: No Mind Left Behind: How to Spread Mental Health Awareness and Support Each Other
  • Emotions and Feelings! So what’s the difference?
    Hello and welcome back to our little haven here at Menopause and Mental Health. This week we’re diving deep into the realms of feelings and emotions. It’s a bit like trying to distinguish between shades of white, isn’t it? But this understanding can be incredibly helpful, especially when navigating the rollercoaster that is menopause. Let’s… Read more: Emotions and Feelings! So what’s the difference?
  • Spring clean your mind!
    Ok, darlings, gather around and grab a cuppa. I’ve got quite the tale to share with you today. It’s all about the adventure of decluttering—not just our closets and drawers, but something far more intimate and intricate: our minds. 🌿✨ Imagine this: You’re doing a bit of tidying up at home, hands filled to the… Read more: Spring clean your mind!
  • NICE Guidelines
    In 2024 navigating menopause got a significant update, thanks to the latest draft guidance from The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).  Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all advice; we’re moving towards a more nuanced, personalised approach. Finally………..Woo hoo! Back in 2015, NICE set a new standard with their ‘Menopause: diagnosis and management’… Read more: NICE Guidelines
  • Hey!
    So, this week’s chat over on Facebook and Instagram has been all about that double whammy: sailing through menopause while also wrestling with chronic conditions. Imagine you’re trying to juggle while riding a unicycle – that’s us, trying to keep our balance with all these health curveballs! The Menopause-Chronic Illness Mashup Ever wondered why menopause… Read more: Hey!