What you can expect from Menopause and Mental Health.

Welcome to our cosy corner of the web, where we chat all things Menopause and Mental Health, the good, the bad, the quirky, and the sometimes downright baffling!

If you’re wondering whether you’re starting on your menopause journey, you’re in the right place.

Here’s a nifty little guide to help you to understand and navigate this new adventure.

Menopause – What’s All the Fuss About? Menopause is that elusive day marking a year since your last period. But it’s more than just a calendar event; it’s a transition, a new chapter with its own set of twists and turns. Before this day, there’s a whirl of changes – physical, emotional, you name it.

Why Does Menopause Happen? In a nutshell, menopause kicks in when your ovaries decide to take a well-earned retirement, slowing down the production of oestrogen and progesterone. This can make your periods go a bit haywire before they bow out completely. It’s not just a “women’s thing” either; members of the trans and non-binary community may experience similar symptoms if their hormone supplies change.

Does Every Woman Experience Menopause? Absoblinkinlutely! Every woman, every journey – they’re all unique. For most, menopause is a natural part of ageing. For others, it can also be a result of surgery or medical treatments.

The Many Faces of Menopause Ah, menopause! It’s like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. Hot flushes, mood swings, sleepless nights – it’s a real mixed bag and very different for everyone. Mapping what you are experiencing can help to discuss this with your health professional.

What Age Does Menopause Usually Start? Typically, the menopause train arrives between 45 and 55, with the average British lass waving goodbye to her periods around 51. But life loves a curveball – some women might experience it earlier or suddenly due to various reasons.

Spotting the Signs The opening act of menopause, perimenopause, can be a bit of a drama queen with changing period patterns and a rollercoaster of emotions. It’s a heads-up that things are changing.

Handling Menopause Like a Boss Menopause is a sure thing, so let’s tackle it head-on! Knowledge is power – understanding what’s happening and exploring your options is key. Think diet tweaks, lifestyle changes, and being open about what you’re going through, especially at work.

Is There a ‘Typical’ Menopause? If menopause were a jumper, it definitely wouldn’t be one-size-fits-all. Some women breeze through it, others find it more challenging, and a few might not notice much at all.

Medical Menopause and Other Causes Sometimes, menopause doesn’t tap you on the shoulder; it jumps out at you. Surgical menopause, treatments like chemotherapy, or certain medical conditions can bring on menopause quicker than you can say “hot flush.”

Thyroid or Menopause – The Great Impersonator Thyroid issues love to masquerade as menopause, sharing many of the same symptoms. A quick blood test can tell you which is which, see your GP who can help you with this.

It Might Not Always Be Menopause Feeling off-kilter? It could be perimenopause, but it’s always wise to check with your GP for other possible causes.

Navigating the Menopause Maze Menopause has a few stages – from the early whispers of change in perimenopause to the final bow in post-menopause. Each stage has its own flavour, and we’re here to guide you through each one.

Embracing Menopause, Your Way There’s no one right way to do menopause. From natural remedies and medical treatments to lifestyle changes – you’ve got options. Dive into our diet and menopause section for tips and tricks, and check out our Pause More blog for all the nitty-gritty details.

We’re here to walk this path with you, offering a hand to hold and a giggle to share. Let’s make this menopause journey one to remember – together!